Your Source for Facts about the Union and Union Representation


This website is designed as a resource for you and your families as you consider your options regarding unionization in today's workplace.

The decision of whether or not to be represented by a union is an important one, for many reasons. It's a decision that impacts almost everything in your work life – from your take-home pay, to the quality of benefits your family receives, to the culture that exists inside the workplace.

Worries about the future of union-funded pension programs, the financial hardship of being called out on strikes, and the union's spending practices can create a lot of concern.

And unionization is an option that fewer individuals are choosing today. In fact, in the private sector union membership has fallen to less than 7%.

This means that over 90% of the private sector workers enjoy and value a direct open-door working relationship with their company, able to discuss their pay and benefits directly and work together on changes and improvements without having to pay a union to speak for them.

This open-door relationship is important to us at Genesis Logistics Inc., too.

While we respect your right to choose or decline union membership, we certainly prefer our direct relationship with you.


Working directly with you provides greater opportunities for meaningful dialogue and cooperation, gives everyone the freedom to adapt in a rapidly changing work environment, and allows you to use your own judgment to find solutions for unique circumstances.

We believe working together directly gives us an advantage in meeting the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow.

This website contains a wealth of information, including important facts about required dues, and union rules and regulations – as well as links to outside resources.

We encourage you to get ALL THE FACTS for yourself and make an informed decision. If you have any questions, please ask here or reach out to any manager or supervisor directly.

Thank you for taking the time to review information on this website.

We will add new information from time to time, so please check back for the latest updates. We are committed to being a source of facts for our associates because we want you to make an informed decision.

Be Informed

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